Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oh my god!

Recognize the image above? For those hardcore Final Fantasy VII fans, you will have no problem identifying her. She was the one was back stabbed by Sephiroth(well, almost every player was trying hard to prevent this from happening back in 1997 but you know, that was practically futile).

The only difference is the image above is not actually a CGI image and it is actually a cosplayer. It looks so surreal that I was deceived when I first looked at it.

Cosplay first started in Japan and it has gained its popularity around the globe as more manga and anime fans flock to become the characters they like.

Even similar events are available in Malaysia, and I was fortunate that I could attend the biggest Malaysia cosplay event in Malacca, which was the GACC 2008.

However, as there are more cosplayers(persons who cosplay) around, you might be interested to find out who are really the best of the best. Well, look no more. There is a list compiled to show the top 11 scorching hot female cosplayers(10 if you exclude the cosplayer above). Most of them are simply as fantastic as their digital counterparts, which look very identical.

Well, now do we need a list of the most handsome male cosplayers? Can someone really manage to capture the magic of Cloud or Squall? I am looking forward to it.

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